'We preach Christ crucified'
1 Corinthians 1:23
Westerham Evangelical Congregational Church is a long established non-conformist independent church in the centre of Westerham.
The Pastor, Phil Sutton, has been the minister since 2008, following his retirement after 34 years with Kent Police.

We meet each Sunday morning at 10.30a.m. for informal worship.
See the ‘What’s On’ page for more information,
or phone Phil Sutton on
01959 563148
Westerham Evangelical Congregational Church Fullers Hill TN16 1AB
Refreshments are served after the service, (outside in our lovely garden area if the weather permits).
There is vehicular access to the church for drop off and pick up, but no parking. Parking is available in Market Square (A25) and in the Quebec Avenue or Darent Car Parks (highlighted on the map).

We believe that Jesus is our Creator in human form. That He died in our place for the forgiveness of our sins, and that He rose from the dead. We believe that Jesus is, as He claimed, ‘ The way, the truth and the life’ (John 14 v 6) and that no one can come into an eternal relationship with God except through Jesus, who sends His Holy Spirit to indwell all those who receive Him by faith.